Saturday, February 1, 2014

Field Trip to Cirque de Vol

We went on a fabulous field trip to a local Cirque de Vol to learn more about the arts of a traditional cirque theatre.  You can find out more about them here.  It was more than just watching them perform though.  They also told us their stories which made the time really special.  

Like this man who finished high school but didn't really know what he wanted to do.  He spent several years traveling around the country and eventually becoming a part of a circus group.  He became good at juggling and was fascinated by juggling as it is all math.  He is now working on a PhD in some field of math that was really impressive - but I don't remember exactly what it was.  (Clearly not my field, right!)  

We were able to see a variety of performers who each shared their skills, told their story of how they came to be involved in this art and also took questions from the group.  They did this performance just for our group!  

The aerial silks are fascinating!
We saw a hooping demonstration too.  This is similar to a hula hoop but of a heavier weigh so that they can do much more with it.
Another story we heard was from this gal who was in a prestigious business position which she left to do something she loves.  She also shared that this jobs gives her the flexibility to help care for a loved one that she would not have had with a traditional job.
My little sassy one loved the poses that were struck when the performers were on the silks.  One of my friends caught this pose.

More hooping.  She was able to twirl this hoop around the bun on her head!  Truly amazing skills these performers have!

Here are 4 of the performers that we saw.
And a picture of our group at the end of the show.
If anyone is local, this group offers a lot of classes for both adults and children.

We loved this morning outing where we were able to experience an old world, European circus type of performance.  What a treat that there are so many great things to do in our area!

I hope you are enjoying your week!


1 comment:

  1. What an amazing opportunity. My little red riding hood is very flexible and people are always saying she should join the circus. I really don't care for that. But, this group sounds neat and not a yucky life like you often think of with the circus.
    Blessings, Dawn


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