Last year we missed the chance to pick them (it was a short rainy season and none left when we went). This year we decided to go early. What an incredible bunch of strawberries! They were HUGE and plentiful!
It was a beautiful day. We met friends and the kids picked a LOT!
Christopher wasn't picking with us as he RAN to meet us there and arrived later than he thought. He had a bit of a detour and ended up running about 17 or 18 miles. (Whew! I can't even imagine - well, imagining is about all I could do.) He is preparing for a half marathon this week-end and full marathon later in the summer. He is doing a great job!
Back to strawberries. Eliana was shown how to pick them and loved putting them in the baskets.
But she wouldn't taste one! Silly girl. They were so juicy too!
Nobody else had any trouble wanting to taste.
It was fun and there was work to do when we got home! We all loved the quantity of smoothies that were made that day! Yummy! (This is not even all of the berries we picked!)
I hope that times like this will be ones that my kids will remember. I hope they'll remember working together and enjoy (literally) the fruits of their labor. I love hearing them recall stories - and they remember details that I don't. It is a blessing to have shared memories with so many others. Thank you God!