I wanted to share a few photos of Christopher's birthday. He started with the red plate! I'm so glad that they remembered. I have a few for whom tradition is important and it's sweet to see them carrying on our traditions even when I'm not there. :-)

Breakfast was Roger's specialty - waffles. There was also gift giving.

I liked this picture even though it is fuzzy.

The day closed with a birthday cake and lots of candles. I can't believe he has that many candles!

Earlier this month, I went to the semi-annual consignment sale. I found lots of great things for the 4 youngest children (and even one dress for Rebecca). Rebecca went with me to help and it was great having her company. We also bought more clothes as there were some she just couldn't resist.
When we got home, there was a fashion show for several days as Eliana tried on her new clothes. Here's one photo. You can visit Rebecca's blog if you want to see more.

Rebecca also found an outfit for Eliana that was a lot like one she has. Don't they look cute!

I am too tired to take a good photo of all the clothes I bought, but we got a lot of good deals. I think the younger children are set for the summer with the exception of shoes. I also bought some books, games and hands-on items to use in our schooling. I love finding these deals!

Our week is going well. We are healthy - something I'm always incredibly thankful for! We are having fun. Rebecca is involved in a play (production is next month) and it is keeping us both busy. I've been working some this week with costumes. We've been enjoying being outside more as the weather is gorgeous. We have birds building a nest on our front porch and it's been fun to watch them - and sweet since we are actually rowing a book about birds that build a nest this week! Gotta love God's great timing and the little gifts He gives us each day. I tried to take a peek and don't see any eggs yet, though they may be there and I just can't get a good look yet. We'll keep our eyes open!
I hope you are having a great week filled with joy, laughter and the security of knowing you are deeply loved.