Sunday, August 22, 2010


Rebecca is playing on a homeschool volleyball team this year.  This is her first year playing volleyball so there is a lot to learn.  Her sport for years has been soccer.  She started playing when she was just 4 and has been playing since.  For many years, Roger coached her team.  As she got older and our family grew, this wasn't an option for us any longer.  Also, the league that she played in went through some changes and unfortunately, there isn't a strong group of teams in the older ages. 

When the opportunity to attend a volleyball clinic came up, I strongly encouraged her to go.  She wasn't sure she wanted to - but I told her to just give a try to see how she might like it.  Well, as you can imagine, she became quite interested in the sport.  One of her coaches is the same gal that directed the play she was in this past spring.  She also knows a couple of girls on the team which is nice too.  (They had not yet gotten their team shirts to wear under their uniforms in the picture below.)

They began practicing once per week in June and then upped it to twice a week in August. 

They had their first game last week.  They won the first match, lost the  second and in a close match also lost the third.  They played well though and kept a great attitude.  The coaches of this team really stress the importance of being encouraging and being a positive example to others.  I'm thankful for the Christian values that are stressed.

Most weeks they have one game and some weeks two.  There are two groups on their team - middle school and JV.  Rebecca is playing on the JV team.  There is a lot of work involved in pulling off a team sport like this - from the coaches, girls and parents too.  I'm thankful we are able to do this and pray it is a positive learning experience for all of us.  (Picture is blurry because one of my assistants smudged the lens and I didn't notice.) 

More as we work through the season.  If you are local and want to see a game, let me know and I'll share the schedule.

