Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Before FIAR co-op: ABC Bunny

We spent another delightfully fun day at our Before Five in a Row co-op.  This month we read the book ABC Bunny.  This is a delightful classic story of a bunny's day by going through the alphabet.  We started our morning by reading the story.  

 We used some fun ABC exercise cards that you can download free from Homeschool Share.  (If the link doesn't work, look for the unit on My Body for the downloadable pdf.)  We looked at each card and identified the letter and then did the activity on the card.
 The cards had us stretching, crawling, hopping and more!
 The kids really enjoyed moving around and I think this is a great addition for a group of family to do just for fun (and learning though they don't have to know that).  
 They were pretending (to be a volcano) and more.  I love seeing them laughing and enjoying themselves.
 After going through all of the cards, I passed out cards to each of the children and we worked together to put them in order.
 They did a great job with this too.
 Next I had a large bag filled with a variety of items.  Each child took turns choosing something from the bag and then identifying which letter the name of that item began with.  I tried to have 2 items for each alphabet letter.  Ex.  I - Iguana and ice cube tray.
 We worked through the whole alphabet.
 Time for a snack.  Something a bunny might enjoy.  Lettuce with cream cheese, sunflower seeds and raisins.  There was also fruit and popcorn for those not feeling like a rabbit.
 Our last activity was playing with playdoh.  (For the record, I recently  made gluten free playdoh from inexpensive rice flour and it has held up really well.  Leaves your hands feeling a little dry, but otherwise works well.)
 The kids made letters - some made their names.  There were bells and "eyes" to decorate them if they wanted.
Fun morning.  Looking forward to our next time together.
