Monday, April 15, 2013

Book Club: Daughter of Time

We read the book Daughter of Time by Josephine Tey.  It is a detective novel set in the 1950s in which a police officer tries to unravel the details about the alleged crimes of King Richard III.  It was a fascinating look into a time period and events about which I did not have a lot of knowledge.  (It also tied in nicely with some of the history of England which came up in the boys' studies that same week.)

We enjoyed the book as historical fiction seems to be a popular genre with the whole group.

A quite English dessert with tea, scones and cookies to enjoy after our discussion.

The girls seem more talkative and lively during this part of the evening.  I'm glad that they have this time together to laugh and learn and have fun.

Its a sweet time for the Moms as well.  I'm thankful for this group of friends!

I've been purposing to read more books myself this year and have given myself more time to read.  I often try to go to bed a little earlier so that I have more time then.  I've enjoyed 9 books so far this year. I know that isn't many to some but its an improvement for me.  :-)  I do love to read.

I hope you are enjoying a good book this week too.  We are always open to recommendations that you might have for a mother daughter book club too!


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