Friday, December 21, 2012

Field trip: Christmas at Oak View Farm

What a fun field trip with our FIAR group to a local farm which highlighted Christmas through the years!  We have been to this site before and they always do a great job!  It was fun seeing a new program.  We split into 2 groups based on age.  The younger kids started in the barn.

The guide played Christmas songs and tried to see how quickly the children could identify the song.  She then shared some interesting facts with us about the carol including the time it was written or the circumstances surrounding the song.

 We then toured the house which was decorated from different periods.  Well, we actually started in the kitchen which was simply decorated from the colonial period.
 The guide shared with the children the types of gifts children typically received as well as describing how the home might have been decorated.
 As we progress in time, we will see things grow and expand from simple to ... well, not so simple.  This was from the 1800s.  

It really is beautiful with all of the natural greenery.  

Examples of gifts (dolls, nuts, oranges and candy).  
 Isn't this cute?  And in how many homes would these gifts stay wrapped?

 Victorian period.  The tree is introduced during this time period along with Christmas cards.

 The last room  had scenes from 2 different time periods.  World War 1 and 2 I believe.

This was the earlier time.
This is definitely WW2.  Looks a lot like today I think.
 We ended with a game of Christmas bingo.  It was really cute!

 The children enjoyed playing it too.
 I see a lot of possibilities for this type of game in learning to recognize things.  Now, if my energy would allow me to follow up in making things to use, that would be great too.  :-)
 This is the front of the home.  It was a gorgeous day and we stayed for a picnic lunch and time to play.
 Its always fun to spend time with friends and learning while we are having fun is always a bonus!
Thankful for the opportunity to explore, laugh and be with people I love.

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun tour through a Christmas. Have a wonderful Christmas!
    Blessings, Dawn


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