We went home and had lunch and little down time. Next at 2 we left for Rebecca's soccer game in the next town. She played well and scored a goal for her team. Home again for a short time - to pack up a picnic and get things ready for Christopher's game. It was an away game over an hour away. We left at 5pm. Had a picnic dinner when we arrived and then waited. By this time it is dark - and cold!
Christopher's team was missing a lot of players and as a result, many of them played both offense and defense. They played hard but were unable to win the game. I'm proud of their effort though! We got hom very late - about 10:30. Everyone is beat and headed to bed already. I'm going to join them soon. First though, I wanted to share some pictures of our first fun co-op!
We are part of a new co-op using FIAR volume 4. I did this years ago with Rebecca and thought it would be a fun thing to do with my boys this year. We have 7 families in our group and I think this is going to be a really fun year!
Here is a picture of our group.

For our first book, we chose Higgins Bend Song and Dance. This a delightful tale of a fisherman trying to catch a big one and the antics that go along with it. For the co-op, my partner and I decided to focus on two lessons - worms and water. We started with a short devotion and prayer and then read the book.

First, my sweet friend Adele taught about worms. She had fact cards for them to read about worms. They learned about the parts of a worm.

Then we started a worm experiment (one of our science experiment bags from the swap). The children added dirt to a cup and then worms. Some were very wiggly and active.

Water was added to keep the worm happy.

The children used magnifying glasses to observe the worms.

Lastly, they add leaves for the worm to eat and they recorded their observations.

The second part of our morning was spent doing some experiments with water focusing on it's weight and density.
Our first experiment involved a balloon filled with cold water (blue) and one filled with warm water (red). I asked the children what they thought would happen when we put it into the large tub of water. Lots of answers - though popped seemed to be the most common one.

What we found out is that the cold water sank and the warm water floated. This is because the cold water molecules are closer together, making it more dense and thus heavy. Have you ever noticed this when you were swimming in the ocean (or maybe a lake)? You felt the water at your feet was colder than the water around your chest? It's because the colder water sinks to the bottom.

Next experiment involved clay. Each child was given some clay to make into a ball. I asked the children again what they thought would happen. Again, lots of answers. What we found was that it sank.

Next, they took the same clay, flattened it into a larger piece and then turned up the sides like a bowl or a boat. Now what happened? It floats. This is because there is a larger surface for the water to "push" back on and causes it to float. The ball had less surface for the water to push on and was also more dense/heavy than the water.

The last experiment involved cans of soda. I again asked what they thought would happened. Popped is a common - or perhaps desired - answer again. We first tried putting in a can of coke. What happens?

It sinks.
Next we had a can of diet Dr. Pepper. Same size. Same volume. What happens to this one?

It floats. Surprised? I was! I thought this was really cool. We talked about why this happens. What is the difference between the cans? They are the same size. One is "diet". I had them look at the nutrition label. Joshua read the first one as I knew he would know what to look for. It was the carbs - something he has had practice at doing for a few months now. In the coke can, there were 39 grams of carbs. This is the sugar. In the diet drink there were 0 grams of carbs.
The difference in it floating and not floating is the addition of this weight. Pretty cool, huh? We tried it again with two more different drinks. Again the diet drink floats and the regular does not.
The moms remained curious about this, so we got out Joshua's nutritional scale to see if the weight was different. It was. The diet drink weighed 5/8 of an ounce less than the regular. If you want to read more about this experiment, visit this link.
While I was helping to teach, Rebecca played with Eliana and her friend Julianna. She has some pictures which I'll try to add tomorrow. Daniel also played - though I had thought he might join in with the co-op. He had the opportunity to have some fun one-on-one nature studies with my dear friend Lynn and he took her up on them. He really loves one-on-one attention! He spent time with someone who knows and appreciates nature greatly too!

All in all, we had a beautiful day and we played with dirt, worms and water. Add in friends and what could be more fun! I look forward to our next meeting in 2 weeks.
Hi! I am new to this site and saw your blog. I thought I would introduce myself, Im Rachel. I have been looking for co-ops in my area. I have yet to find one that isnt full. Yours looks wonderful! It looks like you guys had a lot of fun and learned a lot. I hope to find one like it. Have a great Sunday!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful new group you are forming. Are you still doing the field trip group too? You amaze me with how much stuff you all do.
Can I clone you? Seriously-is this a part of the eBook for this FIAR story? The experiments and such? Man-you need to write a book about doing home grown co-ops, it would be most helpful to us co-op challenged folks. LOL
ReplyDeleteOh, if you decide to do The Bravest of Us All-I submitted the lapbook with additional activities for it on HS Share. I enjoyed doing that one. The boy loved it due to the tornado aspect. Boys...they are something aren't they?
Sounds like a crazy day you had-I would have been collapsed after lunch and never made it to the rest-maybe that is why we're not in sports right now.
Have a blessed Sunday and seriously, when you get that written-I will be the first to buy it! Hint, Hint!
What's in the Box?
Leslie, this all looks amazing! I too would be interested in knowing if these ideas come from FIAR ~ I need something like that. (Yes, still looking, but I have some time). I love the worm activities and that teaching card looks neat ~ did she make that or find it somewhere? I have been thinking of E is for Earthworm for the letter E. *Ü*
ReplyDeleteLeslie, that day was so nice! Oh man, I needed to get out of the house and spend time with a little fella talking about pinecones and lichen and bugs and all that stuff! Thank you for putting those pictures up! I agree with that others that you should write a book or something about co-ops. You have just the right personality for that sort of thing. You're an inspiration.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to be there today for the mom's mtg, but our new puppy had her first vet appt this afternoon and I had some paperwork here that had to be done. I know it was a productive time! See you soon.
That looks like a great day! And I'm going to have to use those science experiments soon. Candace and I do Science experiments together and we've done some on density lately. I'll have to add those to the mix just for fun!
ReplyDeleteI agree that you should write a book! You do such amazing things at your house. I just love your experiments. We are definitely going to have to try the can experiment. Thank you for sharing all your wonderful ideas and pictures!
Have a blessed week!
What a fun co-op! We are in a new, small one this year too, just us and 3 other families. I love, love, love the flexibility of homeschooling - getting to do what fits our family from year to year. Blessings on your co-op this year!
ReplyDeletePam in SE MI