Saturday, March 7, 2009

Crowder Park

We had a wonderful field trip this week to Crowder Park.  It was a beautiful day!  After starting the week with snow, I wasn't sure what the day would be like, but it was gorgeous.

The Rangers lead programs for the older kids (12 and up) on a pond study.  They found various things in the pond and examined them under a microscope.  My oldest two shared that they found a crawfish and a red worm.

The middle ages of children (6-11) had a study on the water cycle.  They were split into teams and played a game to illustrate how the cycle works.  I didn't get any pictures of the game, but here are some of the boys afterwards.

Most of the younger siblings were hanging out with parents at these classes.  A couple of us though took the little ones on their own study.  The Rangers supplied activity boxes that we could use. 

Eliana was delighted to have her own card to carry.  She did a great job walking on the path too!  (That can't be my baby walking like a big girl!)

We played "Pondgo" which is a Bingo game.  This card would be an easy thing to do for your own children.  It's a laminated sheet with various pictures on it.

The children used a crayon to mark off the things that we found.

After the programs, we had a picnic lunch.  It is always such fun to just hang out with these precious friends!  I wish we could do it more often, but I treasure the times that we have.  There was a large playground there that the children enjoyed.  We ended up hanging out at the park for quite a long time and some of the kids went searching for geocaches (and found 5!)

The pond was a little murky - though still pretty.

It was a beautiful day. 





  1. Great pictures! Wasn't that trip fun? I enjoyed talking to the other moms so much, especially since this is still a transition year for us with Michaela. I want to do this right!


  2. That looks like so mch fun!! I remember a field trip like that when I wad little.

  3. What fun, Leslie! I love your pictures and your nature bingo game is SUCH a fun idea. Thank you for sharing your day~

    Missy aka Rainydaymichele :)


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