Monday, September 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Joshua!

I'm late in posting - no surprise there - but wanted to share a little bit about one of my favorite people.  My sweet son Joshua.  He recently turned 9 - halfway to manhood.  How can that be?

I remember well longing for a third child - and praying for a long, long time.  God waited to answer - and His gift was a sweet one.  Our precious son Joshua.  He was born on his grandmother's birthday.  He was also born right on his due date.  He was my biggest baby at almost 9 and a half pounds.  He was also my easiest and best birth.  My mom was there with us at his birth.  We had music playing and it was a very sweet time.  (It went thankfully quickly after getting to the hospital.  I thought our timing was perfect, though my mom thought we cut it a little too close!  lol )

Joshua arrived with blond hair, blue eyes and very pale skin.  Not what I expected since both Roger and I have dark hair.  The eyes come from both sets of grandads.  ;-)

Joshua has always been sweet and sensitive (not that he is perfect by any stretch!).  He remembers things and asks questions that have been surprising to me given his age. 

He loves to read - and frequently has his nose in a book!  He loves the Redwall series and Jules Verne is one of his favorite authors.  He also loves to play outside - to hike, run, play games and use his imagination!  Joshua enjoys baseball, kickball and cops and robbers.  He really just likes to have fun!

Joshua is creative and enjoys drawing.  He likes a wide variety of foods and especially likes condiments like Texas Pete and mustard.  He likes being silly and playing with his siblings.

He recently told us that he wants to get baptized.  He asked Jesus into his heart several years ago and continues to grow in his faith.  I'm excited that he wants to make this profession of faith. 

I thank God for giving us this precious boy to love and to raise 9 years ago.  He has blessed our life with laughter, joy, happiness and more.  I pray for him to continue to grow in his love for God.  I pray that He would walk the path that God has for him. 

Thank you God for Joshua!

I love you sweetie!



  1. Ack..he is getting way too big. I love hearing about your kids, Leslie!

  2. Happy Birthday Joshua! I have a daughter who will be turning eight soon. She likes to read too:)

    Hope your day was special!


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