Monday, July 21, 2008

A little something fun to share

 I love seeing Eliana dance.  She loves music and likes being in motion when she hears it.  This video isn't the best quality, but I still love it!  It make me giggle and smile whenever I watch it. 

One of the skills we are currently working on is how to "point" or "poke".  It's a 9-12mo skill - and she can't do it.  Most of her emerging skills are in the 12-15mo range (yippee!!!).  This one however is hard to grasp!  In the video you can see an example of what she does instead of point - she uses her thumb!  Gets the job done for now, but she'll still need to learn to point.






  1. Thanks for sharing her with us!


  2. that is so sweet.

    I am sure she will get the pointing in no time...she looks like she is just having a great time with that wonderful.

  3. Thanks so much for sharing some sunshine!

    I hope she learns to point with her little finger, soon. :)

  4. Love that wiggle! And that giggle! Can't wait to show this to Justin tomorrow. She knows what she wants! She stops the song on purpose, pulls the blue star off, then puts it back on and pushes the little button on top with her thumb to start another song. At that age, Justin would just pull off all the stars and throw them. He never would put them on because he knew that is what the therapist wanted him to do.

    He went through the pointing with the thumb stage. He first began using the pointer finger to turn light switches off, maybe around 2 yrs. of age, and after a time, it carried over to playing the piano keys, then to pointing.

    Tonight, at dinner, he didn't want his veggies that I'd put through the hand mill for him. He was pointing to my plate! He doesn't chew food well, and there was nothing on my plate that I thought he could manage. But he kept pointing and saying "da" (that). I held up a carrot stick. He hit himself in the head (his way of saying "No!") I held up my hamburger patty. He reached for it. He held it and looked at it and turned it over and over. Then he took a big bite and chewed and chewed and chewed! We about split ourselves laughing. I think he may have managed to swallow the first bite. He chewed it so long. But after another bite, he started raking the meat off his tongue with his fingers. I think he was expecting it to be a cookie or a biscuit!

  5. Oh, what a cutie. You have a little dancer with lots of rhythm in her. That is just too precious. Thanks for sharing. She is a doll!!

  6. She is so cute, Leslie! I love her rhythm! She has some really good skills, too. We had one of those stackers for therapy, too. We used it in conjunction with vision therapy for Jacob. I am sure parts of it are still around our house somewhere. LOL

    She'll get that pointing thing down soon I am sure. She does a good job with her thumb though. (smile)

    Have a blessed day! Tami

  7. She's got the rhythm. :o) Braska does the SAME thing with her thumb!

  8. Thank you for posting such a cute video! Eliana just made my day brighter :)

  9. I love that my little cutie pie is bringing sunshine into the lives of others. She does make me giggle every day! She is truly a delight! I'm so very blessed to be her mommy.

    Anna - I was chuckling at your story and could just imagine Justin doing all of that. I sure wish I could see him in action. :-)

    Thank you for your encouraging and sweet words friends!



  10. Wow, watching this brought back so many memories of Kyley at this age. She was a thumb pointer also, but I forgot about it until I saw your video. I don't remember when Kyley started pointing with her index finger, but she did!! It is so hard to explain the joy we get from our children with ds, just watching them, and every little achievement is so special.



  11. Absolutely precious!

    Kisses to that sweet girl AND her mommy,

    Elysa Mac


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