Monday, August 20, 2007

The truck is here

***As I've written this and looked back over it I realize that it is utterly depressing.  I'm not sure if you will want to read beyond this.  Don't if you don't want to just read sadness.  That's all that is here.  I'm just overwhelmed with sadness right now.  ***

What a thing to get up to this morning.  My daughter walked in with tears in her eyes.  When I asked her what was wrong, she told me that the truck was in front of their house.  It didn't really hit me - until I saw it for myself.  I remembered the last time a truck was there  - 7 and a half years ago - and how very happy we were to have our friends moving in beside us.  And now ... something we never thought would happen. 

I want to be there.  I want to help, but I can barely keep it together.  And honestly I'm not all that much help either while holding Eliana.  So I'm here.  Just sobbing.  I'm tired and weary from this ride.  I'm ready to get off.  Yes, I know that this is not the most difficult thing people are facing.  Yes, I know that it isn't a life and death scenario.  Yes, I know that we'll still be friends.  I also know that I am going to miss her - and her family - so very much.  How often is that someone is blessed like we have been - to live right next door to each other?  I am thankful for the time we've had.  I'm also sad for the time we had thought we'd have - and won't. 

Just last night I was reading an article in a homeschool magazine about special needs children.  I'm sure at a different time it would have been - or maybe will be - encouraging.  For now, it was just depressing.  It talked about the weariness of caring for a child with special needs and how most people just don't understand.  Having walked on both sides now, I realize how true that is for me.  I know that I tried to be helpful and supportive.  I did the best that I could and hope that I was helpful.  I can see now that I should have done so much more - though I couldn't have known that then.  I saw how hard it was which is probably why I prayed over and over and over again that Eliana would not have Down syndrome.  Yes, specifically that prayer. 

That sounds horrible I'm sure.  I love my little girl so very much.  I wouldn't give up having her for anything.  I am so very thankful Eliana is in our family.  I have watched my precious friend love her little boy so very much.  I have also watched her struggle with the weight of caring for him - the changes in how you do things, the endless therapies, the years of stages that you hope that they will one day grow out of and the huge unknowns about the future that are so very different from the unknowns with your other children.

When Eliana was born, we both heard over and over again how blessed I was to have a friend that had a child with DS.  Honestly, at the time I didn't really like hearing that.  It was as if somehow the road would be easy.  I think what they meant was that I would have someone walking the road with me that not only loved me, but that understood the weight of this path.  I have struggled at times with sharing the weight - wondering how others would take it.  Some have told me to be happy for the good things.  I do try.  I can't ignore the pain either though.  It's hard to balance sharing the love and joy that a special child can bring while also being honest about the fears and struggles that come too. 

I don't understand.  I feel so much now that I don't want to feel.  This is hard - so very hard.  Why is this a part of God's plan?  Why now? 

I hesitate even posting this.  It's raw and not very pretty.  I'm weary and hurt.

Thank you for your prayers.



  1. Keep asking God those questions. He is big enough. I'm praying for you friend.


  2. Hugs and prayers for you Leslie. Praying that you will have peace through your sadness.

    Love you much!

  3. You asked for poems to inspire and uplift. This poem

    rescued me several times after my only son died.

    What God Hath Promised

    God hath not promised skies always blue,

    Flower stewn pathways all our lives through

    God hath not promised sun without rain,

    Joy without sorrow, peace without pain.

    But God hath promised strength for the day

    Rest for the labor, light for the way,

    Grace for the trials, help from above,

    Unfailing sympathy, undying love.

    by Annie J. Flint, 1919 (there are two more verses)

    Google it. With love and prayers Carolyn

  4. I love this scripture in Ecclesiastes - there is a time for everything. As I read your blog tonight i thought especially of verse 4: a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance. As i remember one of my very dearest friends moving away from me many years ago as you speak of your best friend moving, i am reminded that there is a time to weep, a time to mourn a time to be sad. Life is often almost too hard to bear, and this is one of those times for you. Thank you for sharing your heart, for it reminds us all what i have always told my kids - life is very hard, and there are times where it is almost more than we can bear. Give yourself permission to mourn and weep for this loss in your life, and thank you again for sharing your life and your heart in your blog. You reach and minister to more people than you will ever know.

  5. Oh I wish things were different. Last year was a very hard year for me in many ways. Now that a year has gone past, I can say with certainty that I have seen God bring GOOD things from the pain. Yes, there are still moments/days when I am sad, hurt and wondering why. But overall I have learned to know God in a new way, to understand His love in a deeper way and to realize once again that He is sovereign and DOES love me! He loves you too, sweet friend. I am praying for you, crying with you and hoping the Lord will give you a small glimpse of hope in some way through this time.

  6. I read it, Friend. I'm praying for you. I'm sorry that you're on this road.

    You've summed up life with special children perfectly. It IS raw, and it does hurt. And you can't understand unless you're there.

    Anyway, just wanted to let you know that you are thought of and loved.

  7. Thank you for your comments and encouragment. It's hard to lay out raw emotion sometimes as you don't know how you will be taken.

    Carolyn - I'm so sorry for the loss of your son. I can't even imagine the pain. I loved what you shared.

    I appreciate the encouragment to question as I can't help but do that. This hurts and I don't understand. I also know that I may not ever know the reasons I guess that is where trust comes in. It still isn't easy though.




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