Friday, August 31, 2007

Prayer request for Eliana

Hi Friends,

I have an updated request for Eliana.  I called the ped office today about her burn and the nurse didn't want to give any advice without having Eliana seen by a doctor.  We scheduled a visit for 5:30 during the after hours clinic.  I had tried calling the surgeon's office in the morning - the nurse was gone by mid-day and the surgeon was in surgery.  There was no one else there that could help me.  The ped office seemed my best bet at this point.

We left home a little after 5 (the office is about 15 min away) and got stuck in traffic.  I got off on a back road - and got stuck in more traffic.  The time was pleasant though as I was talking with a sweet friend that was full of encouragment. 

We arrived at the office close to 6pm - obviously late for our appointment.  We had a longer wait before being seen.  The doctor was very nice, though seemed a little unsure about how to treat Eliana.  She really wanted her to see the surgeon.  That doesn't seem possible given that it's a holiday week-end. 

She told me that Eliana has 2nd degree burns.  :-(  This made me feel awful!  She could tell that and reassured me that it wasn't my fault, but I still feel badly for my sweet little girl.

I had another friend tell me of this happening to her son, but I thought it was due to a combination of the medication we are using with something else.  I really didn't think it would happen to Eliana.  The first two treatments went without incident.  I guess perhaps I should have used more common sense.  I also wish I had been warned by the surgeon or given instructions on how to prevent it from happening.  Guess I have more to learn. 

For now, we are treating it with burn cream twice per day or as needed.  We are also to keep a close eye out for infection.  She is to be seen immediately if this occurs.

Please join us in praying for the following:

*No infection at the burn site.

*Healing would be rapid and complete with no complications of any kind.

*Wisdom for us as we care for her and for the doctors that are treating her.

*No pain - for now she doesn't seem to be in pain for which I'm thankful.

*Increased appetite for eating from the bottle.  She seems to be stuck at 2.5 ounces per feed for the last 2 days.

Lord, I pray that you would place your healing touch on sweet Eliana.  Make her hurt places whole.  Bring comfort to her.  Please keep infection away from her body and keep everything working properly with no complications.  Please give all of us that care for her wisdom in knowing what is best for her.  Thank you for holding her and loving her more than I can begin to imagine.  Thank you for entrusting us with this precious little girl.

Thank you for your prayers dear friends,



  1. Abba Father! I agree in prayer with all that Leslie has asked. Bless Eliana with Your healing touch! Amen!

  2. Praying for your sweet girl!


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