Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Last Day of "2"

That is 2 years old for my sweet Daniel.  My day with him started early - at about 2:30am when he was crying.  Not sure if he was having bad dreams, but he definitely wanted someone with him.  I loved how he reached out for me and then held my hand.  I looked at his still small hand in mine and remembered 3 years ago when I was waiting to meet him.  Anxious to know if he was a boy or girl, excited to see what he looked like and thrilled to know that soon we would have a new member in our family.  I love my children so much and looking back has always been both sweet and satisfying to my spirit.  It's one of the reasons that I love to scrapbook.

These 3 years have been sweet.  Daniel has an infectious smile, a mischievous grin and a delightful personality.  He comes up to me many times a day wanting to give a "kiss and hug".  Never mind that it really only includes a hug most of the time - to him they are a package deal.  Daniel laughs often, loves easily and brings such joy to our lives!  He is so much fun!!!  I think 2 year olds get a bad rap - it really is a delightful age.

This morning, Rebecca asked Daniel what things he would like to do for his birthday tomorrow.  It's our tradition to allow the birthday child to choose the meals and the activities for the day.  Rebecca made a list of the things that he said.

  • Turn the key in Daddy's car (he is fascinated with our vehicles!)

  • Turn the key in Mommy's car

  • Mickey Mouse movie

  • Go see Mrs. Yvette

  • Read book

  • People lay on pillows and sleep (I want to do this one!)

  • Eat birthday cake

  • Caillou movie

  • Birthday  present

  • Basketball game

Oh, this list made me chuckle!  I'm not sure where some of them came from - like a basketball game - since he doesn't play!  All in all it looks to be a fun day and that it will be an easy thing to please this little fellow.   (Below is one of the 95 photos he took recently.)

One other sweet moment with my littlest man was at naptime. He was awakened before he was ready and came into my room looking a little out of sorts. I told him to climb up on my bed and he snuggled up next to me and fell asleep. He had my arm pulled over his chest which reminded me of my first little boy when he was that age. It was the way that he felt secure and safe. It is a memory that was sweet to me then and even sweeter all these years later.  I enjoy cuddling with a sleeping child.  It starts early with mine as I hold my sleeping infants as much as I can.  

Tonight Roger took the children to Toys R Us to pick out a gift for Daniel.  We were looking for something to play with outside.  They chose a wagon.  We've considered one for years, but have never had one.  I hope he'll enjoy it!  I think Eliana will too one day.

While they were out, Eliana and I went to Babies R Us to buy a few things.  It's a new store near our home and it was my first time there.  I did something I haven't done before - I bought formula.  So what, you may be thinking.  I'm not sure why, but it was hard for me.  You'd think I could just give it up, but after nursing 5 children (and loving it) this was a hard thing for me to let go of both then and now.  Sometimes it is just the little reminders that things aren't the way that I had hoped.  We haven't gone out much either and at times it is hard to have people "ignore" your child.  :-(  I'm sure people don't know what to say. 

One other thing that was hard today.  Eliana ate nothing from her bottle.  She took a few sips a couple of times but I'm not even sure if she swallowed at all.  I think even in the midst of heart failure she always took at least something.  I remember one day, close to her surgery, where I thought she might go all day without eating orally.  She finally took almost an ounce at her last feeding of the day.  This was a first that I didn't like to see.  :-(  It confirms that going with the G-tube is going to be for the best for my sweet girl. 

On a happier note, I wanted to share a little video clip.  I hope it works. 

ETA:  It didn't work.  I'm not sure how to add it, though I know there is a way.  I'll post it when it gets figured out.  If anyone knows how to help me, please do.  Kristina?  

I tried to get a shot of Christopher with Eliana that showed how much they love each other.  Tonight they were sitting beside each other on the sofa and as I looked over I saw her looking up at him.  What a lucky little girl!  She is blessed with 4 big brothers and a big sister too!  They all adore her and the feeling is mutual.  Christopher loves playing with Eliana and will frequently come and swoop her away from me or out of her crib.  I love seeing him with her - loving her and enjoying her and finding her delightful.  I pray that their relationship will always be like this.  

Tomorrow we will be celebrating Daniel.  As a funny, I've been asking him recently how old he was.  When he didn't answer, I would tell him that he was two.  Sometimes I would add that he would "soon be three".  His response was always "No I'm not.  I'm Daniel."    So very thankful for my precious little boy!

With love



  1. Happy Birthday Daniel! I wish you many happy returns of the day! A wagon is a great gift. We've had much use out of the ones we've had....the kids love to pull each other around in it.

    I love that upside down picture. My son Ryan used to get a hold of my camera and take loads of pictures like that. They would always be funny....(his middle name is Daniel too :) )

    I can sympathize with you about buying formula. Connor cured me of my breastfeeding snobbery (not to say that you are..but I was..LOL) Anyway, I've had difficulty nursing the two babies I've had since him and I still hate to buy formula.

    I hope today is a great day of celebration for all of you!

    Oh and you should post that picture of Eliana sleeping sucking her thumb that you posted yesterday on FIAR. I LOVE that shot.

    Love, Karen

  2. Leslie, do you want a link to the video or do you want to "embed" it like I did on my blog for Samuel's graduation? I assume you want to embed it. Go to the site where you have the video and copy the html code it gives you for using it in a blog/website. Come back here, clicking on that blog entry so that you can edit it. When the text box comes up, right above it it says "source." Click it and it will give you the html coding of your entry. Scroll down to where you want it and then

    PASTE the html code you got for the video. Then click preview to see if it worked.

    I just figured this out on my own about 3 weeks ago, so I admit my instructions don't sound very professional. Sorry.


  3. I love his list. I hope he has a wonderful day!

    I wish there was a "magic bullet" to get Eliana to eat from her bottle. I will continue praying.

    Love, Tami

  4. Karen - Thanks for your sympathy. Having to do things out of your comfort zone definitely opens your eyes doesn't it?! I wish there were an easier to learn to be understanding than to have to go through the lessons yourself.

    Beth - Thank you for the explanation! It worked perfectly!!! The source button is just what I needed to know and probably wouldn't have figured out on my own.

    Tami - Thank you for your faithful prayers.

    Love to you all,



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