Wednesday, May 16, 2007

2yo Funny

Apparently I have more to learn today about not getting irritated.  I posted this - or so I thought - even choosing some different colors for the fonts.  Imagine my surprise to see that this post was blank - just a title.  Not sure what happened, but I'll try again.

Earlier today Eliana was laying on my bed and Daniel was playing with her.  When I needed to move her I told him that I needed to get her.  Here is the conversation that followed.

Daniel:  "No move Eliana.  She my baby."

Me:  "No, she's my baby."

Heard from another room - my 5yo jumps in:  "She's everybody's baby!"

Daniel insisting on his point:  "No, she my baby!"

Me wondering asks:  "Well, who is my baby?"

Daniel thinks it over for a minute and then responds:  "You go buy another baby."

This made me chuckle.  I thought he might say that he was my baby - not that I needed to get another one.  Oh, the minds of children are so funny!

Hope you enjoy a laugh.  I've posted a couple of entries today and one last night if you are just now catching up.  I hope to post more later on therapy updates. 

With love,



  1. That is so cute! I was waiting to see what the 2yo funny was going to be. The "suspense" was worth the wait. :)

    Love, Karen

  2. I think we all claim Eliana as our baby! That little girl holds a special place in the hearts of so many!

    Thanks for the laugh, friend! Happy Weekend!

  3. That is adorable!! How the little minds of children think!! Precious, thanks for sharing!


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