Thursday, March 8, 2007

Rising to the Challenge

Well, one of my numbers is wrong in the post below.  Change the 4 to a 5 on number of times I've put in the NG tube. 

Eliana pulled it out last during her feeding - again!  I knew it was getting close to time to replace her tape, but wanted to wait as long as possible.  I obviously waited too long.  I was waiting because the tape peels off of her face over time.  If I can wait for most of it to peel, then it doesn't hurt as much as when you have to just pull it off.

Eliana was eating - sitting my lap - and pulled out her tube.  I looked away from her for just a moment and it was out.  She is quick!

This was the 9pm feeding.  I decided to wait until close to midnight to put it back in.  It needs to be at least 2 hour after a feeding so as not to upset her stomach. 

Roger went to bed - he was really exhausted.  I asked Christopher (13yo) if he would help.  He came to my room at midnight without even being asked to help out.  This is the same son that wanted no part of helping initially (he said he wasn't comfortable doing it) and I'm proud of him for stepping up to the challenge.

Eliana was asleep when we started.  I kind of hoped she could sleep through it, but who am I kidding?!  She was having a tube stuck down her nose!    I decided to switch sides to help alleviate some of the skin irritation from the tape.  The first try caused her wake up and cry.  We tried soothing her with her pacifier.  I tried again and hit her "gag reflex".  I then began to wonder if I could only do one side.  Sounds silly I know.  Christopher even commented that maybe we needed to wake up Dad.  (Never mind that he was asleep beside us, all the lights were on and Eliana was crying.  He slept through it all!)

We did finally get it in.  I'm thankful for one more successful insertion, thankful for the prayers of friends and thankful for my son being willing to go beyond his comfort to help his mom and sister. 

More later if I can.  I have pictures and stories from Rebecca's bracelet sales that I'll try to get up soon!


1 comment:

  1. Kudos to you, Leslie! And kudos to Christopher! And kudos to Eliana for being such a trooper!

    kudos: n.: fame and renown resulting from achievement

    I believe I was praying about that time, as I was just getting to bed. Also prayed when I was up from 4:30 to 6 something a.m.

    GOD's BEST!



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