This is such a sweet story and a perfect one to read in the spring. Its about a little girl who goes outside and is looking for someone to play with her. She excitedly asks each animal she finds to play with her, but each animal quickly hides or goes away. When she sits quietly by a pond (a bit sad that nobody will play with her), she then finds that all the animals return and she is delighted!
For this story, we decided to meet outside at a local park. It was a perfect day and a fun time with our friends. We continued with our typical format of having a devotion first.
We did the creation story.
A fun spot to sit and learn. So many fun places to learn and being outside of definitely a big one!
Reading our story.
Playing a game of riddles to figure out the animals. You can find that resource and others to go along with this book here at homeschool share.
Each child was given an animal picture card to try to figure out the riddle that went with their animal. Eliana was given a deer.
Next it was time for a snack. Isn't this adorable?! Can you see the butterfly with treats inside? Too cute!
For our craft, the kids decorated egg cartons to collect treasures in. There were stickers and foam pieces, markers and more to choose from.
Eliana really liked putting lots of stickers on hers!
Then we went on a walk around the park.
My girl ... blazing her own path ... full steam ahead!
Too tired to figure out how to change this one now. My sweet girl stopping to observe.
I love photos like this of paths. So many images come to mind about life and the journey that we are on. I'm so very blessed to on this path. So very thankful to be right where God has placed me. Very grateful for the many friends and family with whom I travel.
The lake is a fun place to look. And to throw things (found in nature) into the water.
We found a turtle sunning himself. That was a sweet treat to see one of the animals from the story.
Cute kids, climbing up for a better look.
After our walk, we headed back to our original spot. We were eating lunch and one of the children said, "I see a snake". Another piped up, "I see one too.". I went over to look. They were right and it was not a little one either! We gathered around, but not too closely to watch him. He slithered along the ground for awhile.
And then climbed a tree. And to think he was probably there the whole time we were doing our lessons. :) No worries as it was a harmless one.
As always, it was a delightful morning with our friends. Just one more story before we finish for the summer. I'll post more on that next week. :)
I hope you are able to be outside and enjoying God's wonderful creation!
1000 Goodbyes
1 week ago
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