Its almost time. The hours are few now and hopefully some of them will be spent sleeping. Tomorrow we take Christopher to NC State to move into his dorm room. Tonight one of my little boys asked if Christopher would be sleeping there tomorrow. I said "Yes". I didn't have to wonder long what he was thinking. The next question was "Can I sleep in his room?". LOL
Its the beginning of a whole new stage in life. For Christopher, and for the rest of us. My emotions are so varied on all of this. I'm excited for him. He is ready for this new challenge. He is ready to experience new things. He is prepared. We've worked a long time to reach this point. And now its here. The days are sometimes long, but oh the years go quickly. At the same time, I know this is going to be hard emotionally. We are just going to miss having Christopher here! I do have a peace about it all though and know that it is right. Not always easy, but right.
We spent the day buying last minute items for his room. I'm sure that there are things we've forgotten. Some things are hard to buy until you are living in the space too. Its just hard to know all the things you will need when you are going to be living in a new place - even when you have a checklist to guide you.
Tonight we met Christopher's roommate, Joe, and his family (except for his older sisters). They came over for dinner so we'd have some time to hang out and get to know each other. It was such a fun evening. They were so nice and easy to be with and we enjoyed them all so much! (Can you believe I got no pictures?! I'll try to remedy that tomorrow!)
I don't think I've shared the story of how Christopher and Joe met. Last fall, Joe's mom stumbled on my blog and saw the post I'd written about Christopher visiting NCSU. She knew that her son was planning to go there and so she kept up with us. In the spring, when Christopher decided to go to State, she contacted me. The note said "from a homeschooling Mom whose son is also attending NCSU". We talked some via email and then passed contact information to our boys. We were both excited when they decided to room together.
I've been praying for Christopher's roommate for quite awhile. Having worked in Residence Life before becoming a mom, I witnessed what a difference having a good roommate could make on your college experience. I have been praying for Christopher's roommate. I've prayed for a roommate that loves God and one that would be a great friend. Joe's mom and I both know that she didn't find my blog by accident. I love seeing God's hand in things that can seem so small. Moving and touching people's lives. Answering prayers beginning with a blog post. What an amazing God we serve who truly is in the details of our lives.
We plan to meet up tomorrow morning to move in. Tonight, the suitcases are starting to stack up.
The piles of things purchased for his room are waiting.
I'm holding my emotions in check ... so far. I know tomorrow will be an emotional day. There is just no way around it. It is a huge step in our lives. I know I won't be the only Mom there tomorrow with tears in her eyes (or Dad either for that matter!).
Father, thank you for the privilege of being a Mom. Its the most amazing experience I could ever have imagined. I've been blessed beyond all I could ever ask for. Thank you for Christopher and the joy of being his Mom! Thank you for the memories, experiences and love we have shared. Thank you for those that are yet to come.
I pray that while he is in college that you would protect him, challenge him and hold tight to him. I pray that his faith would grow and soar. I pray that he would learn more about loving and serving and helping others. I pray that his mind, body and faith would grow stronger and that You would direct him in the course he should follow. I pray that you would bless him with a wonderful group of friends.
I pray that you would help us learn new ways to communicate and connect. I pray that he would follow you. I pray that you would help us all to adjust to these changes and embrace the new paths you have for us.
Thank you Father. Giver of good gifts. Amen.
Christopher, I'm so proud of you. I'm excited to see you growing and developing into the man God designed you to be. I love your sense of adventure, humor and wit. I am thankful for your character, reliability and dedication. I'm excited to see what you will be doing and learning and experiencing at college. I love you!
More tomorrow ... maybe. More soon. Please pray for us as we walk this new path. He is ready. I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Go Pack!
1000 Goodbyes
1 week ago