So many things that need to be done and yet we need some lazy days. Our summer has been full, especially for Christopher. Here is a blog post he wrote about one day of his experience at Summit Student conferences. This has been a great experience for him and one I'm glad he has had the opportunity to do. If you are interested in learning more about the experience, the student posts are a great way to get a feel for what goes on there.
Its nice to have a week without much planned. We can sleep in, read books, play legos or just relax.
I've been trying to do some planning for school. I haven't made as much progress as I would like, but I still have another good week.
I've also been working on cleaning up and decluttering. It also isn't going as quickly as I would like. It never does. I've finished the boys rooms including having them try on all of their fall/winter clothes so I could get things ready for the next consignment sale.
The other room on the list has been the playroom. If you have been in this room, you know what a job that has been. We are trying to sort through all of the playmobil and organize what they are playing with. One of the neat benefits of getting this room more organized has been having Eliana play more with the kitchen. She is really enjoying playing and pretending. One day Joshua played kitchen with her and when he told me all of the things they had done, I was so impressed. He was helping her to learn and work on new skills - just the way we need to play with her! I love that he did that.
I've also been working (with others) on getting things ready for our homeschool group - setting up field trips, planning the mom's meetings and more. It is looking like a fun year!
The other huge thing on my mind has been learning about Celiac disease. I'll post more on that as we work through this process. I'm reading some books and trying to cook foods that are safe for her. There is a lot to learn and to think about. I'm thankful for friends who are helping me navigate this new path.
So, back to the lazy days. I want to figure out some fun things to do in this last week and half with all of my family home. Any fun ideas?
1000 Goodbyes
1 week ago