She drank 4 ounces from her bottle this morning!!! She has NEVER had this much - EVER! This was her complete feeding. Now, granted it was in 2 parts - but it counts! I fed her the first 2 ounces and she took about 15 minutes to eat that. (Really wonderful and much faster than she typically does it..)
I was using a 2-ounce bottle, so I refilled it and then she seemed not interested at all. I decided to take a short break to see if that helped her. Well, the short break ended up going about 45 minutes and then she took the other 2 ounces! Oh, what a sweet moment!
It's encouraging to see that she CAN do it. I know that it's still a lot of work for her, but praise God that she can do it! I'm still not sure what I can be doing to help her - if anything. Still waiting to hear from the feeding folks. We'll see.
For now, this has just made my day! This is her best feeding of the day usually and I am praising God for this small step. I know it may seem like "not a big deal" - but for a little girl that has struggled now for 4 months (pretty much her whole life) to eat - this is a very big deal!!!
Just wanted to share my joy!
With love,
1000 Goodbyes
1 week ago