Our ped was also very happy with how her heart sounds, her movement (much more active now), her oral motor skills (she is trying to suck her thumb/hand and is pretty persistant) and even her body/head control. It was really a good visit.
She even commented that based on how Eliana is looking now we might be able to wait until April to have surgery. I really want to get us out of this "yuck" season. So many of our friends have been hit with this too - it's just everywhere! Makes you want to stay inside and at home for sure!
Our next dr appt is on Monday with the cardiologist. How nice it is to only have 1 dr appt this week. (What a comment from someone that is used to going many many months between appts for our children!)
That's all for now. Don't know that I have time to get into the many other things on my heart - like nursing/pumping and how much to keep trying as well as schooling my children and working to creatively do this while we are dealing with such huge life issues with Eliana. We continue to appreciate the support and encouragment from so many people. I'm waaaaay behind on answering emails - but please know that I appreciate them so very much!
With love and a happy heart,