I've tried to narrow it down, but here are a few from our week. We had beautiful weather for the most part and also VERY HOT! It was nice to be in the water! I loved spending time with my family and am so thankful we have this week each year to vacation together in the summer.
Building sandcastles ... small ones
and large ones.
You have to haul a lot of water to get the sand just right for a good castle (like the one above).
Sometimes it's just fun to watch the artist at work!
Playing in the surf. The boogie boards are always a hit.
It's even more fun when you can find someone to pull you because then you go really fast!
And sometimes you just stand still.
There are shells to find - always beautiful shells.
Finding your shadow. This really tickled me to watch her doing this!
When it gets too hot, you can find some relief in the shade.
Or in the pool.
The girls always have fun together!
There is nothing like having brothers to play with!
Brothers and sisters.
Eliana still thinks that sand tastes fine. Yuck! She ate a lot less than last year though, so here's hoping maybe next time she will think it is yuck too!
Some days all that playing on the beach just wears you out!
We'd often go out at night and play on the beach. Volleyball was a big hit this year. Eliana was just happy to be back in the sand and water.
***If you haven't yet looked, please check-out my scrapbook giveaway. Details are HERE!
Thank you for all of you that left sweet comments and also for those who are praying for Joshua. His numbers are better today. Not where they should be, but much better. I'm hoping we are on the right path.
Hope you are having a great week!