I was so excited. And nervous. And ready to meet our baby. I had no idea how my world was going to change. I had no idea that being a Mom would be the best job I could ever imagine. I had no idea that this tiny little person would alter my life in such huge ways.
(Don't laugh. Large, loose clothes were the style then.)
He made his appearance early the next morning. Oh, it was love at first sight! Our first baby. A boy!
Perfect in every way!
This started a sweet journey of building our family. I loved the days we spent together. I still do.
Today is the last day of my oldest being a teenager. 20 years. It seems so long ago in some ways and just yesterday in others. Its true that the days are long and the years are short.
Happy Birthday Christopher! I am thankful for you and for the work I see God doing in your heart and your life. I pray for you often and always will. Looking forward to celebrating with you tomorrow!
I love you!
1000 Goodbyes
1 week ago