I love traditions as do my children. Its a way of knowing that this is our family and this is what we do. It can be something that ties generations together too. It gives stability in times when things around us are rocky. It can also just be fun.
Some years ago I read about a fun tradition and decided to start it for my family. Its our Christmas tree skirt. Each year we add to the skirt - handprints of the children in the family.
Some years I haven't yet added on the names or the years (not sure why?). I even have one small handprint that needs to be added to it. (I traced the tiny hand so it could go on later.) I love seeing the number of hands grow along with the size of the hands.
Check out Christopher's hand this year! So big.
Now look at the first year we did this. My sweet children were 3 months, 2, 6 and 8. It was 9 years ago. Seems so long ago in some ways. I love the years when they are little and I love the years when they are big too.
God is good.
Just wanted to share a fun and sweet keepsake tradition. I'd love to hear about some of your favorite traditions too!
1000 Goodbyes
1 week ago