Thought I'd update some on our church situation. Earlier this month we attended a workshop on membership in the church. We wanted to learn more about what was involved and the beliefs of the church. Christopher, Roger and I all attended. We decided then to move forward to joining the church. I know it has been quick, but God has been clear to confirm that this is the place He wants us to be. We have a peace and excitement being right where He wants us to be. My heart is full and it has been a real blessing!
One of the points of membership was that you needed to be baptized after accepting Christ as your Savior. Roger was baptized as an infant, and decided to get baptized as a believer on Sunday.

He told briefly why he was being baptized and I was suprised to see how emotional this was for him.

I tried to capture the experience, but didn't keep my camera out long enough to catch his excited reaction after the last photo. I do remember it in my mind though. It was a sweet time to share with friends who came to join us.

The last several weeks, the sermons have been on adoption - both on adoption as Children of God as well as the act of adopting children into your family. They have been powerful messages. The church is starting an orphan care ministry. There was an initial meeting last week. Roger and I both decided to go. We really didn't know what to expect. I know that I didn't expect what I saw and heard.
The room was packed with more thany 200 people! The church shared their heart for orphans and desire to have an adoption culture in our church. They want to support people in adoption in various ways. Several families shared their stories of adoption and foster care. We know that we are to care for orphans and we are continueing to look for ways to do that as well as continueing to pray for God's leading in this area! (NOTE: If you want to do something now that will benefit one beautiful little orphan, please see my post on the scrapbook giveaway! You can donate through the chip-in on the right side of my blog.)
This ministry is new and I think the response was overwhelming to everyone there. You can read more about it
HERE on the church's blog. It is a great description and I encourage you to take a few minutes to read it.
I also wanted to share a bit about Daniel. He is warming up more and more in church. I see him relaxing a little more (though I still can't leave the room without consequences - they are much shorter now though!). Last week during the worship time, he started signing to the songs and moving around like the other children. It just blessed my heart. Even the worship leader noticed and said something to me. (She is a mom of a sensory kid too.) A small step, but a big one too.
Thank you God for the work you are doing in our lives. Thank you for leading us and blessing us. I pray that we will continue to have hearts open to hear you and spirits willing to follow. I'm so thankful for all He has done for us!
With love,