We've finished up with the production of Charlotte's Web! What an experience. When we entered the play, Rebecca was the only new person to the group. We live much further away than everyone else and didn't know any of the people. For the first couple of months, I used the several hours of play practice as time to read or to work on my Bible study. It was nice to have a few hours to myself.
As we got closer to the play (still more than a month away though), there were more meetings for the moms and more things to do. I began helping some with costumes and started getting to know some of the other moms. I have to confess that I didn't really want more to do - but part of signing up for this play was the acknowledgement that you would contribute - and so I did. It came with blessings that I had not expected. I understand the need to pitch in and help so that the load is lighter for all. What I hadn't expected, was the blessings of friendships.
As I mentioned, I didn't know any of these families, and yet spending time working together gave me time to talk with them, share with them and pray with and for them. It showed me more of God. It was a blessing I hadn't expected.
As the play drew closer, the practices were longer and more frequent. The week of the play was chaotic!!! All day, almost every day! Did I say it was busy? It was also fun.
One of the things I've really appreciated about this group was the focus on God. Giving Him the glory, learning from and about Him and acting in a manner that showed His love. The children each took turns leading devotions during the practices.
I loved that they each had the opportunity to lead and to share. During the play, the moms were asked to volunteer to lead devotions. As the week went on, I looked at the list and saw that nobody had signed up. I told God that I was willing to do it, but that He needed to provide something before I would commit because I didn't know what to share!
That night, I prayed fhis again as I went to sleep and awoke early with a vivid dream. He also impressed a verse on my heart. James 1:17. Every good gift is from God. (Paraphrase) I knew then that my lesson was to be on this verse with the focus being on friendship. The story of Charlotte's Web is all about friendship and sacrifice. It's a beautiful story (that made me tear up at the end of each performance).
When I realized that God had given me something to talk about (THAT DAY!), I was excited and began to think more about the devotion. This was to be a very short devotion, btw. I didn't have it fleshed out though and needed more to go on. I started to ask some friends to help me and began writing what God had given me. As I started writing, He gave me more. He fleshed it all out. He answered my prayer. Can I tell you that I was so excited?! And the sweet thing about this devotion that He gave me *for these kids* - was that it also really spoke to my heart! Isn't that just like God? I was willing for Him to use me to serve and He took that and used it, but also multiplied it to bless and challenge me at the same time. He is good.
The play was wonderful!!! The kids did an amazing job - as did the many moms working backstage to help pull it all off! They performed to one sold out show and a couple of others that were very close! Rebecca was very excited to have friends at all of the performances. We really appreciate y'all coming out - and especially to those of you that drove a long way to get here! (Kristina, Sarah and Angela)
I have many, many more pictures (over 2400) which is far too many to share. For those who are local - or who we will see - we will be getting a dvd of the performance that you can view sometime if you missed it live. It was truly a delightful performance. It was a lot of work. For us, it was also a lot of time and driving. (We live 45 minutes away.) One of my friends asked after it was all over if I would do it again. Yes, I would. It was worth it in many ways and I'm thankful we had the opportunity to be a part of it all.
The following week, we had a cast party. We played, ate and had a rousing game of kickball. It was just nice to hang out.
I'm proud of you Rebecca for all of your hard work!
Thank you to your director Tiffany, who not only directed, but led, taught and encouraged!
A quick update on other news and hopefully more pictures later.
***Therapy - Daniel and Isaiah have both completed their occupational therapy! I'm not sure if we'll have need for it again in the future, but it's nice to graduate and have more of our week back. I'm thankful for the things we have learned and have seen HUGE improvements in Daniel over the last couple of years.
***Christopher is playing flag football. He also took the SAT last week-end. He is signed up for a half-marathon later this month and a marathon later this summer! He has worked hard setting up his own training schedule and I'm proud of his hard work and dedication!
***Joshua is doing pretty well on the pump. His numbers still aren't great and aren't where I'd like them to be yet. We've been on it 2 weeks and were told it could take up to a month to get the kinks worked out. I'm not worried about it and know it will come with time. We are both enjoying some of the new freedom though!!! Neither of us are tied down to the shots. He can give his own bolus which means more independence for him and freedom for me. It's a good thing!
***Eliana continues to be sunshine and light. She continues to talk more and we are starting to work more on potty training. We bought her a new potty and some potty snacks and will hopefully get going on this seriously next week.
***More to come on co-ops. We've had two that have been lots of fun! I was a co-teacher for both of them (did I mention that this month was crazy?!) We also had a field trip the morning of the first play performance and field days today. All fun and with pictures to come.
I also want to share more of the neat things God has been doing in my life. He is answering some of my prayers in very sweet and direct ways. He is using others - strangers - to bless me, make me feel loved and to show me that He does hear me and care about my requests. I'll write more later as these times are too neat to keep to myself. For now though, it is late and I need to get to sleep.
Praying that you are seeing Gods hand at work in your lives,