After visiting here this summer.
We of course read the book Misty of Chincoteague. Love it when a book comes alive like this! I love tying in field trips with what we are learning!
It was so neat to actually see the horses and then the characters and actions in the story are so much more real. After our trip, we rowed the FIAR book, The Wild Horses of Chincoteague. This is a delightful story with many fun lessons.
I don't seem to have captured many pictures of our studies, but we did try our hand at making gluten free blueberry muffins. They were a hit!
Daniel is enjoying having more time in the kitchen and I'm working to incorporate more cooking together into our weeks. If you haven't yet tried this book, I encourage you to do so. And if you live anywhere close by - its worth a trip!
1000 Goodbyes
1 week ago