How can it be that time again? My sweet daughter is in her final year of high school. She has worked really hard and I'm so proud of her. I loved the sweet girl that she was and and I love the beautiful young woman that she has become and I am excited to see what God is going to continue to do in her life.
After pondering and praying about what she might like to do after high school, she has decided to look at 2 colleges. Each of them for different reasons.
She is interested in majoring in theatre. She feels that it would be best for her to learn this in a Christian environment. For that reason, she has applied to Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA. Its a beautiful school! We drove up for a 3 day visit called College for a Week-end. There were a lot of other people visiting then too!
Rebecca stayed with some students on campus and went to classes of her choice. (She went to theatre classes.) She also had the opportunity to eat on campus, tour buildings and attend a variety of seminars. One of the highlights was attending convocation which was packed! The parents visiting were seated on the floor.
Music at convocation was David Crowder.
And the speaker? Willie Robertson. You know, from Duck Dynasty! He was a great speaker and I enjoyed hearing him share with us.
While we were there, we had an opportunity to see a student production of Les Miserables. Wow! It was amazing. All of it. The acting, the singing, the stage work. I know this was exciting for Rebecca to see and consider being a part of in the future. We were both very impressed and excited.
I didn't take a lot of photos while I was there (surprise!), but did enjoy a lot of the artwork around campus that was done by students. Aren't these saran wrap sculptures amazing?
We also saw work done by a comic book artist. I know that I have some boys that would have loved to see this too!
Rebecca had a great visit and completed her application soon after the visit. And she heard back quickly too that she has been accepted!!!
Her second college visit came just a month later. This time to a school that is familiar to us because her oldest brother goes there. NC State! We visited during the Open House which was a great day to be there.
We were able to walk around campus, learn about several different majors, eat in the dining hall (with Christopher!) and learn about some of the campus activities.
A running list of tweets about the Open House was playing in several of the meeting rooms. This is fuzzy, but Rebecca has a tweet on the list.
We spot a familiar face on the Cru poster in the Brickyard.
Loved meeting Christopher for lunch and hanging out with him for a little while too.
He gave us a tour of the new library. Can I just say that it is amazing!
And a beautiful view from the deck on the top floor.
We had to get some of the delicious NCSU ice cream before leaving. Well, two of us did.
She is still waiting to hear back from State, but should hear before Christmas.
And now it is time to wait, pray and begin to make decisions. In the meantime she is being recruited by some other colleges to come and visit and a couple have offered her some scholarships. Its a lot to take in and is a huge decision. We would love you to pray along with us as she chooses where she will be going next year.
We will share the news once there is something to share. :)
1000 Goodbyes
1 week ago