Tomorrow, Nov 7th, our family will be participating in the Walk to Cure Diabetes. This is sponsored by the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.
Joshua has been looking forward to this walk for many months. We started talking about it when he was in the hospital. He is familiar with "walks" because we go to the local Buddy Walk (supporting Down syndrome) each year.
Here is a note from Joshua.
I think the walk is going to be fun. I hope that the JDRF gets more money so that they can find a cure for diabetes. I hate diabetes. I don't like getting shots and pokes. I want to be able to have food whenever I want it.
I know that money is tight and that there are many worthy causes. I do feel the need to share this one though as it is important to us and many other families as well. If you are interested in sponsoring Joshua, please go to this link.
You can type in his name Joshua Nelsen and state and his page should come up for you. Our team name is "Joshua's Fan Club" which should also show on the site.
1000 Goodbyes
1 week ago