We visited with the link and learned more about their life in the past and their contributions to our culture. It was a fascinating day. It was made all the richer for the many wonderful men and women that took part in the day. They were kind, patient, interesting and informative.
We learned about the archeological work that is going in excavating an old Indian village (thought to be Occaneechi). (Click on links to read more.)
Some local university students talked with us about foods that were native to the Americas. We also heard from a man representing the Trading Path Association that is working to locate and preserve old trading paths.
Next we watched a tribal dance.
Then we participated as a group in a large circle. (I'm carrying Eliana in a bright pink sling and holding Daniel's hand.)
There was a run-down shell of a home on the land and the man that was there told us that he lived in this house many years ago. It was just part of the original home where he lived with his 10 siblings. He told us about what life on the farm was like. He also demonstrated using a saw, splitting wood and shucking corn as he told about the chores he did before school started.
Some of the children taking a turn at getting the dried corn off of the cob.
Playing at the well - which still worked!
Just a picture of my little cutie just hanging out.
We listened to some storytelling which was fun and heard the story behind this dress. It weighs 45 pounds!!! Can you imagine wearing that?
We learned about tools used in farming and fishing.
We also learned about weapons. This table was fascinating for the children - especially the little boys!!!
The interpreter had made all of the weapons on display.
He told about each one and patiently answered questions.
He also demonstrated making a dart out of a thistle. I thought this was so cool!
He shot the dart many times so I could get this picture. Can you see the dart to the right?
Here is the target and many darts.
A cricket holder is fascinating.
Or maybe it is just playing with a bigger friend.
We also learned about foods and cooking.
Above are some tools and things used in daily life.
Below, we learned about dream catchers.
This gal was so very patient and had a sweet chat with my little Daniel.
Just another shot of my little cutie pie. I can't resist.
We had an awesome day. The weather was beautiful! The site was interesting and fun. The company was sweet. What more could we ask for!