Testing - We've started testing for learning issues. We spent 2 hours on Friday and will have part 2 this next week. It will be several weeks before we have any answers or information. She did tell me that he was very smart and very fidgety. Neither of those things surprised me. He seemed to enjoy the testing time which was nice - and will certainly make it easier to return. There is definitely "something there" and while I have my suspicions, we'll hopefully have clear answers soon.
Joshua - He has been experiencing lows again. Typically these come in the afternoons. I've tried correcting for them, but have not been fully successful yet. Sometimes he can feel them coming and other times we just catch it with frequent testing. The fluctuating numbers are just odd to me sometimes. Just tonight about an hour and a half after dinner he was feeling low (98). I was out running an errand and he checked his own blood glucose (getting everything ready) and even wrote in the log book I keep. I was surprised to see that when I returned. He was very proud of himself - and I am too! We have no news yet on the follow-up appointments. I need to call in the morning to see when we can get them scheduled.
Visitors - We had company over the week-end. My sweet friend Hollie and her family came to visit. One of my children has been teasing me about the "family friends that nobody but you knows" that are coming to visit. Well, it didn't take long for everyone to hit it off!!!
Within minutes of arriving, the children were all running around the house. We soon found out that they were planning a play. They made up a playbill with the list of actors and even the scenes. They found props and had make-up done (beards and mustaches for the boys). It was quite fun to see them involved in such a big project so quickly!
The kids had a blast and got along so well! It was fun for us to see.
Hollie and I had fun catching up, sharing resources, encouraging each other and exchanging things. She brought me a box full of science activity bags among other things. What a fun treat! We have just started using these and Isaiah in particular is very excited to see these appear in his workboxes for the day.
It was just so nice to spend some time together in person! It just is so much nicer than over the phone or by email. My children are already asking when we can go visit them. :-)
A shot of some of the kids - we had a lot of testosterone in our house this week-end!
I kept trying to get a picture of our youngest two together. It was hard to get them still and in one place. This is the best of the photos.
Thank you dear friends for coming to see us! We loved having you here and hope we can do it again sometime soon!