I love going to the beach. Its a fun place for all of us. My family (my parents, my sister's family and ours) has been meeting for a week in the summer for several years now. I love that we have this time set aside for all of us to spend this time together. We've been to the beach and also to the mountains. Both are fun.
We spent a week in Myrtle Beach in June. This is a beach I've been coming to most of my life. We've stayed in the same place for many years too - my children's whole lives. It is a sweet tradition to share this with them year after year. I have so many memories here.
We had an amazingly beautiful week! The temps were in the 80s which was perfect! No rainy days either. We couldn't have asked for me. Here is a glimpse of some of our fun.
My children love the water.
And the sand.
We took turns cooking dinners and had the whole family over for meals. Its fun hanging out with cousins.
The evenings were perfect for a game of sand volleyball.
Or just more hanging out on the beach.
One day we went to ride the Skywheel. A one of a kind Ferris wheel. The tallest in the Eastern US and is built right beside the beach!
We rode in air-conditioned cars.
The view was amazing
We also played putt-putt.
We celebrated Daniel's birthday. He likes being able to celebrate with our extended family.
Joshua made a treasure hunt for him.
Complete with buried treasure.
Some evening photos on the beach. Playing in the water.
Checking out Brad's sandcastle.
My family!
Overall, it was a wonderful week. I love being with my family!
I'm thankful for this amazing creation. There is so much to enjoy at the beach. Being there with people I love just makes it all the better. Looking forward to the next time we are able to go!
1000 Goodbyes
1 week ago