So many prayers. Sometimes you wonder what ever happened in a situation. What was the answer to your prayer. Other times, the answer never seems to come. Those are especially hard and I know I've experienced this quite a bit - yet, I know God is faithful and will answer. And yes, I do still have plenty to learn about patience.
Other times though, there are solid answers. It is especially sweet when the answers are ones that excite and thrill your heart. I've had a couple of those today.
I talked with Christopher this afternoon. It's the first good conversation I've had with him since he left. He had so much to share about the classes, the experiences and the things he is learning. I'm so excited for him! I've been praying that God would plant seeds deep into good soil, that He would use this time to give Christopher vision and that his faith would have an even deeper rooting.
He has done some neat things - running up a mountain, serving in the community, listening to great lectures and making new friends. He is being challenged in good ways. He mentioned something he might do before he left - and told me today that he did it. I was surprised, proud and excited! He wrote one of the blog posts for the students on the Summit website! It was so much fun for me to walk through the day with him
You can read Christopher's post here.
As a parent, you do your best knowing you have made mistakes. There have been areas that I wanted to focus on with Christopher that I just haven't done. Writing has been one of those. My world has been overwhelmed with medical issues and special needs for much of the last 3 - almost 4 years (not an excuse, just my reality). In spite of my failings, he has grown, matured and developed into a really incredible young man. I see in my son a person who is focused, determined and confident. I am proud of the work he has done and excited about the work God is doing in his life! Thank you God!
He told me that he thought it would be fun to come back there and work for a summer. :-) I think it would be a great thing to do as well! I miss my son, but am so very happy for him that he is experiencing this. I'm thankful for the opportunity that he has to do this. Thank you for those who have been praying for him!
Another answer to prayer came today too. The family that is adopting sweet Tonya got their final piece of paperwork corrected so that they are ready to go get her! They will be leaving next week - well, in just a few days - to go get her. This brings tears to my eyes. I'm so very thankful that this beautiful little girl is going to have a family. I"ve been praying for this for 2 years now and it's finally happening. Thank you God. Please pray that everything would go smoothly - from flights to paperwork, childcare to bonding. I hope to one day meet this precious child face to face - and her sweet mama that I've enjoyed getting to know too.
While you are praying, could you lift up another family? I had the opportunity to meet Julia at the NC Homeschool conference and have been praying for them. They travelled to bring Aaron home and ran into some difficulties and had to return home without him. This was a heartbreaking decision. There is someone there working to get the details fixed so they can return. Please pray that all would work smoothly and that the money needed for these extra expenses would be provided. Please visit Julia's blog to read more about this sweet family so taht you can pray specifically for them too!
Father, I thank you that You are involved in the details of our lives. I thank you that you are with each of us, especially as we are separated from the ones we love. Please protect and guide each of us. Help us to keep our eyes on You, the author and perfecter of our faith.
In His Love
1000 Goodbyes
1 week ago