There were even sugar free snow cones!
The weather cooperated for about an hour or so and then the sky opened up. We were eating dinner and decided to leave shortly after that.
It was fun - even though we don't really know many people in this group. I'm thankful for the JDRF and the work that is put into finding a cure for Type 1 Diabetes! If you are interested in joining our team for the walk - we'd love to have you join our group. Joshua has been very excited each time we have gotten a new donation or a new walker to his team. We are hoping to print t-shirts and got some helpful advice on this while at the picnic.
For those who aren't familiar with Type 1 Diabetes, here are some facts from the JDRF.
*Type 1 (T1) Diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system attacks and destroys the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas. Its cause is not entirely known.
*Type 1 diabetes usually strikes children, adolescents, and young adults, but it can be diagnosed in adults as well. It comes on suddenly, causes dependence on injected or pumped insulin for life, and carries the constant threat of devastating complications.
*It requires constant attention. To stay alive, people with type 1 diabetes must take multiple insulin injections daily or continually infuse insulin through a pump. They must also test their blood sugar by pricking their fingers for blood six or more times a day. While trying to balance insulin doses with their food intake and daily activities, people with this form of diabetes still must always be prepared for serious hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) and hyperglycemic (high blood sugar) reactions, both of which can be life-limiting and life threatening.
*It is not cured by insulin. While insulin injections or infusions allow a person with type 1 to stay alive, they do not cure diabetes, nor do they necessarily prevent the possibility of the disease's devastating effects, which may include: kidney failure, blindness, nerve damage, amputations, heart attack, stroke, and pregnancy complications.
*It is a challenge to manage. Despite paying rigorous attention to maintaining a meal plan and exercise regimen and always injecting the proper amount of insulin, people with type 1 diabetes face many other factors that can adversely affect efforts to tightly control blood sugar levels. These factors include stress, hormonal changes, periods of growth, physical activity, medications, illness/infection, and fatigue.
If you have questions about this disease or how it has affected Joshua or our family, I'm happy to answer. Thank you for your prayers and support. This disease really stinks in a a lot of ways and I'm thankful for the encouragement we receive from so many.