So many fun things going on and I'm trying to play a little bit of catch up ... as always. Our week has been relatively quiet. Its been odd having Rebecca gone. Just having the 4 younger ones and things seem so quiet. We've also had few outside commitments so we've been home a lot. Its been a great week for getting some school work done! We've been able to Skype with Rebecca several times and while brief, they have been wonderful. I love that we can see and talk with her while she is so far away! A real treat and a blessing! I'm very much looking forward to having her home soon!
Last month, I was able to spend a week end with some dear friends. Some I've known for many years - since about the beginning of my homeschool journey and some just for a few years. It was relaxing, encouraging and just fun!
Isaiah got braces. He actually only has them on 6 upper teeth and is only expected to have them for 3-4 months. It is trying to correct a problem with his bite. He has been great about taking care of them and watching what he eats. I think he looks pretty cute too!
On the first day of spring, we headed to Rita's Italian Ice (right after Isaiah got his braces). They were giving away free ices. I loved that they were gluten-free! Its fun to have a treat that we can all enjoy!
Just had to show off this cute hairstyle! Rebecca does the cutest things with Eliana's hair! I'm so glad that Eliana has a big sister to do these fun and cute girly things with her!
Adorable, right?
It isn't easy getting her to sit still for this either! LOL
We celebrated Joe's (Christopher's roommate) birthday. It was so much fun to have Christopher, Joe and 3 of their friends over for dinner. This is what a crowd at our house looks like.
Eliana really enjoys playing with Joe and she clearly has something important that she is telling him here.
Fun playing with Joe!
What a great group of young men! We laughed, played and had a fun time with all of them. (For any of you that may read this, please come back soon!)
Its nice hearing the piano played as nobody here plays it much any more.
Of course we had a birthday cake! Happy Birthday Joe! Thank you for sharing your day with us! We are so thankful for you!
Did I mention how much we enjoy having these guys over? I'm so glad that we live close enough to get to know some of Christopher's friends and to have them home for a meal. :-)
We also celebrated my Dad's birthday. Rebecca and I were able to make a quick trip to Charlotte to spend some time with Dad on his birthday. We had a birthday lunch at my sister's house.
I'm blessed to have an amazing family! I thank God every day for my family! I love you Mom and Dad!
Eliana and I attended a tea party. A mom of another little girl Eliana's age invited several little girls with Down syndrome to come to a tea party. All of the girls are about 5-7 years old. She thought it would be nice for them to have some girl time. It was a really fun morning! A beautiful table!
And delicious foods! All of which were safe for Eliana to eat. It really touched my heart that she went to all of this effort to make sure that Eliana could eat whatever was being served!
Doesn't she look like a little lady? *grin*
This is a gluten free doughnut! One of my friend's friends bakes gluten free goodies. She also teaches classes. I'm hoping to be able to go to one in the future! I would love to learn how to bake really good sweets like this!
A table full of beautiful little girls. All loved and cherished. Little girls that enjoy dress-up and tea parties and dolls.
It was a fun morning spent with friends that we don't know well, but would like to get to know better. I wish we didn't all live so far apart from each other.
This post feels very random and like a bombardment of a whole lot of different things. Kind of like my life. My life is quiet some days and loud on others. Busy and calm. Stressful and relaxing. Lots of variety but through it all, I'm blessed beyond measure. I'm thankful for family and friends. For good health. For God's love.
1000 Goodbyes
1 week ago