My sweet Isaiah. Can you guess what I was studying when I was pregnant with him? Yes, I was in the Beth Moore Bible study on the book of Isaiah. So much strength in that man who loved God and spoke to share Him with others. I see in my Isaiah a boldness that I pray will be used to point others to God. While young, that trait can seem impulsive (and often is) and without censor. I pray that his heart will be filled with God so that what spills out will be a reflection of the One who made him.
Isaiah is cuddly and often tells me how much he loves me. Yes, this can sometimes follow a blessings, but I love that his joy flows out from his heart to his lips. He is such a great hugger and can never seem to get enough of them. I hope he never outgrows this trait!
Isaiah is smart and inquisitive. He also faces challenges in learning. I pray that God will guide me as I seek ways to encourage him and teach him so that he has the tools he needs to be the man he is designed to become.
Isaiah has a wonderful sense of humor. He makes us laugh so often. Of course, I'm going to blank now on a good story to tell you. He is a storyteller too. I remember the Christmas that Eliana was born, he called out in his loud, strong and deep voice for us to all gather around because he had something to say. He was just 5 and I wondered what in the world he was going to share. Had we known, we would have grabbed the video camera. He retold the Christmas story as if it were a news event. It was such a sweet and beautiful moment. It blessed my heart greatly at a time when I was struggling with all that was going on with Eliana's health. I also remember one of his comments that year as it too was a sweet blessing. "This is the best Christmas ever!" I needed his perspective. He was right.
Isaiah is generous (and will often give away his things to bless others), creative and a delight. He enjoys playing outside and also inside on the computer or Wii. He likes reading comic book style books. Some of his favorites are Calvin and Hobbes (I hope he doesn't get any ideas!) and Garfield.
Thank you God for blessing our family with Isaiah 9 years ago. Happy Birthday precious Isaiah! I love you!!! Mommy
On his birthday, he started the day with pancakes (made by Dad) and chocolate milk. (Roger takes the day off for our children's birthdays and we spend the day as a family doing things that they enjoy.) We headed out for a field trip. (More on that in another post.) After the field trip, we went to a nearby campus and had a picnic lunch under the shade trees. (It was in the mid-90s here that day!) We brought cupcakes to share with his friends.
They sang Happy Birthday to him and enjoyed sweets with him. (No pics of the cupcakes as I was passing them out instead of taking pictures.)
We hung out at home in the afternoon. Played inside and out. Isaiah opened some cards and gifts.
We had pizza for dinner.
Then watched a movie with some friends. It was a fun day celebrating our Isaiah!