Instead though, I'll tell you what really happened. We waited until the end of the day to do this craft. (That was probably mistake number one, but we had a couple of therapies and a science lab interupting our day). The boys were to have gathered pine cones earlier in the day. One hadn't and went out to find one in the dark. It was a small one and he was not pleased with it. Another boy had gathered two earlier in the day. Well, the first boy decided he wanted the extra one (though wasn't all that nice in asking). The other boy didn't want to give his up. Hearing them argue over a pine cone didn't do a lot to put me in the best of moods either. And no, I didn't take advantage of this teachable moment to talk about sharing or listening or anything else. My first thought was that I needed to remember this when it came time to do Christmas crafts! lol
The boys were a little ... less patient that I would have liked for them to be. I probably was too! The pine cones were prickly and didn't feel good on the hands. The pipe cleaners hard to manuever and the level of difficulty was just too much for my boys at this time. I ended up helping them a lot. (And did I mention that they weren't really being patient?)
In the end, we got them made. And they are cute.
I think the lessons that I need to learn are several.
*Don't wait until the end of the day for crafting when people are tired and the grumpiness comes on faster.
*Check the level of difficulty before starting a craft.
*Patience, patience, patience. I need to model it and teach it through my actions.
I know we'll remember these turkeys - and hopefully not the bickering that went with it. I hope I'll learn. I wasn't at my best tonight, but thankfully, there will be another chance. Thankfully the boys are pretty forgiving and love me in spite of my flaws (and the feeling is very mutual). I'm thankful for the times that I fail for it reminds me that I struggle just like my children do. It reminds me of how much I need a Savior to shape and mold me into the image of the one I want to reflect. So while it may not have been a teachable moment that was used wisely, I did learn from it.
Just thought some might like to see a less than stellar experience. We all have them. Sometimes I think people can feel discouraged when they hear about "all" that someone else is doing. Most of us tend to share the positives (I'm no exception). Just know that we all have those days - and so do our children. I still have much to be thankful for and yes, I will still do crafts with them at Christmas.
P.S. If you are looking for something fun to add to your November, check out the blog of my FIAR friend Kendra She has posted a great list of activities to do celebrating Thanksgiving.