My children have been wonderful during all of the chaos that has gone on during the last month. Our lives have been so disrupted and yet they are all handling it really well. Our ped asked which of our children was having the hardest time with the baby - and honestly we said none of them. What a blessing.
I wanted to share a few of the happy moments my children have brought me. Tonight as I was getting ready to pump, my oldest son come in and says "You are doing a good job Mom". What sweet encouragment. My daughter in seeing my struggles pumping has offered to pump herself so that our sweet baby could have more milk.
One day when I was needing a little help with Eliana, I called asking for someone to come help me. Our 2yo came running into my room with his arms outstretched saying "I help Eliana".
All of the children love to hold her, kiss on her and be with her. I love seeing them enjoy her and the things that she does. It helps to see her through their eyes. They do love their new sister.
We visited the ped today and got good news on several things
*She has gained weight!!! 5 ounces in the last week and is up to 8lb 3 ounces now
*The results from the renal u/s are normal!
*The results from the infant screen are normal! (Tests for thyroid function and other problems too.)
*Her heart is still functioning well and she is in no distress right now.
A sweet friend stayed with my children today while we were at the ped office. She wrote me a note later saying that she enjoyed being with my children and that they are a blessing to her. What sweet words for a mama's heart.
I'm thankful today for so many things. Thank you God for a day filled with blessings!