This week has been busy even though I didn't have much planned for it. I've been trying to work on a few projects including:
*Transcripts - Working on pulling together all of the grades and courses from the past 3 years. I will say that I plan to do a better job of record-keeping in the coming year than I have done in the past. I am not frustrated with my efforts thus far though because I have been keeping great records of other things over the last 3 years - several notebooks full of records from Eliana's first year and Joshua's past year.
*FIAR group - Still trying to get all the groups going and running. I'm thankful to have friends coming alongside me to do this!
*Planning for the year. This is such a huge task (or it seems that way). I'm trying to be thorough now so that I can use my time more effectively during the year. I'm planning for two high school students this year and needing/wanting to keep good records. To aid in this, I'm designing a grading grid for each class, a syllabus for the year (dates things are due, expectations, etc) and a planner for each child.
I want to design the equivalent of 3 IEP (Individualized Education Plan) for my children with special needs. I want to ensure that I'm doing what I can each day to maximize their learning. I want to set realistic goals and work towards achieving them.
So, with all that needing to be done, I haven't had much time for blogging. I have done a few fun things. We attended a showing of Charlotte's Web with some families from the play. I visited an office supply store with some friends (yes, that counts as fun!).
More later on what we'll be doing for the coming year. :-) Hope you are having a fun and productive week!
1000 Goodbyes
1 week ago