Tomorrow we have 2 ped appts - 2 different peds in 2 different locations (same office, but different branches). Eliana will see our beloved Dr. L for a check-up. I'm not expecting any new news! Should be routine. She is a wonderful ped and I enjoy seeing her (though not always the reasons I need to go see her). Isaiah also has an appt. I'm hoping all goes well. I need to make a list of things to be covered for him.
On to other things. I thought I'd update a little bit on Eliana. She continues to be a delight! She laughs (and giggles) often and just finds the best in every situation.
Even things that don't look good to me seem like fun to her.
My little girl that struggled so much to learn to eat - now loves it. And she is motivated by food! Who would have though?! We are using food to get her to talk more. She says/signs "more, please" when she wants something. She is loving to snack too! She also loves to help herself to whatever she can reach in the pantry.
Eliana also likes to help clean up. She is very good about helping to put things away. She also loves the vaccuum! She has always liked the vibration, but now she is also enjoying using it too.
Eliana is a good sport and will play dress up often. She seems to like doing this more and more now which is a good thing as it is a popular activity around here.
She can still be a girly girl too. I wish I had a better shot of her hair. Rebecca fixes it in such pretty ways. If only Eliana would leave the bows in her hair!
Eliana continues to talk and sign more and more. She is a smart girl and I love watching her learn and grow and develop. Each milestone is sweet as they are spaced out a little more than is typical - and that's fine. We are enjoying the journey!
Thank you God for blessing us with an amazing family!