We split into two groups and just alternated activities with the information in each group geared to the age level of the group. I stayed with the younger group. We were first introduced to some of the birds.
This bird was named Miracle. We learned some facts about various the various birds. Some of the chidlren were allowed to hold this bird as she is very mild.
We also met a couple of owls. Isn't this one cute?
I loved learning about the details and care with which God had created each bird. This one was named Christopher which was quite humorous to some of my children.
We learned about feathers and how they worked and how they are different on various birds.
The children always appreciate things that are hands-on.
Even the littlest ones.
After the classes, the kids played a predator-prey game in a large field. Look at the littlest cutie joining in the fun with her big sister. (Bottom right side of the picture.)
The director then brought out a falcon for us to see. It is being trained so that it can be a part of these educational programs.
We helped with the training by being still while she walked with the bird through the group. This was to help the bird become accustomed to groups of people.
We ended with a picnic lunch at this beautiful (and historic) site. Wonderful place and great people to work with. If you are local, I do recommend a visit to this site!