Hi All,
Just wanted to update on our time at the Duke Children's Hospital Radiothon. On our way over, Rebecca and I were listening to the radio and hearing of the special promotion. Forester insurance had pledged to match up to $75,000 raised in a two hour period. At the time (about 30 minutes into it) they had raised $26,000. We followed this for the next hour and half. More on this to come.
When we arrived, we greeted the people that we knew there - and Eliana proceeded to make friends with everyone that would look at her. She walks up and waves or says "hi", gives high fives or just a sweet smile. So many people told me how cute she is - and I could see how much people enjoyed seeing her.

While we were waiting, I spoke with a woman as she was leaving. Eliana had caught her eye and she started asking about her. As we talked, she shared that she had lost a daughter when she was exactly Eliana's age. She also had Down syndrome. She died just 6 days before Eliana was born of an immune deficiency disease.
Oh, this broke my heart and I just had to hug her neck. She showed me a picture of her beautiful daughter. She also told me that she has been fundraising for Duke Children's at her school since her daughter passed. What a strong statement to the hope and care that they received at Duke.
We also talked about Down syndrome and what a beautiful gift it is to know someone like this. And what a horror it is that so many of these children never make it to know life at all.
I wish we had longer to talk, but I know that I can pray for her. She told me that she has since had a little boy who is perfectly healthy. She seems to have a sweet spirit.
While we were waiting, we followed and chased Eliana. She heard the phones ringing and would hold her hand to her ear and say "hello". She also saw a large bag of change. I told her that it was money and she hit her chest and said "mine". lol This little one is funny!

Rebecca made her donation at about 5:30. Bless you friends who waited to hear her! It was a brief time for her to share what she had done and why. She told about how her little sister had been born with 2 holes in her heart and how Duke had taken great care of her. She wanted to help other children that didn't have insurance to be able to be helped too.

She was very nervous, but spoke calmly and clearly and did a great job! I'm so proud of you Rebecca! She donated ...
Since her pledge was made during the challenge, they told her that her donation was doubled to $6400.00! Way to go!
After this, we left to go home. We heard the rest of the challenge - and they were successful in raising the $75,000 and more. Total raised ... 190, 544 in two hours.
I'm thankful for this experience. Who knew when Eliana was born that "hearts" would be touched in so many ways - both physical, emotional and spiritual. I told Rebecca that God has given her some special gifts - a compassionate heart, a desire and drive to help others and creativity. I'm incredibly blessed to see her using her gifts at such a young age! I'm incredibly humbled that God would allow us to be used to bless others and that He would allow me to see Him at work in my children. Thank you God for blessing us. We pray that you would continue to use us to your glory!