Tuesday, November 18, 2008

State Fair - Oct Retropost

Yes, I'm getting close to winding up Oct - and have much to share already about November!  I'm trying to catch up but our computer is very, very slow these days and it makes it hard to upload photos sometimes.   

 We went to the State Fair this year.  It's something we enjoy doing every year.  We had the pleasure of going with dear friends.  The food, the crafts, the rides, the animals - so much to enjoy and there is something for everyone! 

Just liked this photo of Joshua and Isaiah. 

Rebecca entered several items in the fair and won ribbons!  She entered a mobil.  She made paper stars and won a 3rd place ribbon. 

She also entered a Christmas ornament.  She made this as a gift for me last year and it is so beautiful - and fragile.  She won a 4th place ribbon for this.  There was a note on it that the judges thought this was beautiful and it would have won money had it not been so fragile.  This was meant to encourage Rebecca - and hopefully one day it will - though I think it made her a little sad.  It's a good lesson though on details and finishing things well. 

We enjoyed seeing some of the prize winning vegetables and animals. 

Daddy and his little girl! 

I should have gotten a photo of Christopher with food - he loves the variety and takes advantage of it too! 

This was in front of a really fun exhibit on foods in  North Carolina. 

Each of the children received a basket and then collected various foods through out the exhibit.  Even Eliana was given a basket. 

It was too big to carry for long - but it was still fun.  When the children finished collecting food, they were given money in exchange for the food.  They could use this to buy a bag that included an apple, peanuts and a pencil.  A good trade.

We enjoyed the rides - the bumper cars were a hands-down favorite for my family.  They did this one several times and I saw lots of smiles.  There is more - and more photos too - but in the interest of catching up, I'm going to stop here.  Here is one last photo of my little sweetie and I.

