Monday, January 1, 2007

One more picture

Please continue to pray for our family.  The adjustment to having Eliana join our family has been a hard one.  We were unprepared for her medical needs and this has been hard.  Additionally, since we've been home from the hospital we've had sick children - and dh!  Only Mommy and Eliana have remained healthy.  We have not figured out nursing and pumping around the clock is very hard!

I know that there will be joy to come.  I know that God is good.  I know that He is carrying us through all of this.  I am so very thankful for the friends and family that have reached out in support of ours. 

Pictures of Eliana Joy

We've had a number of people ask and thus we wanted to share a few photos of our newest little cutie.   She sleeps a lot and has had very few awake/alert times. 

She has a head full of dark hair - not sure where that came from as all of my other babies were "bald".  It's  taken some getting used to  - seeing hair on my baby's head!    She is adorable!