Some of you may have been wondering what is going on with our stove. I'd be happy to share. :-)
While I was gone to the JDRF retreat this week-end with Joshua, Roger was working on the stove. When I arrived home - with Christopher and 4 friends over for dinner - this is what I found.
Can you see it? The new details of my stove? Can you guess what my reaction was?
I laughed.
And my first comment? "You do know this is going to be posted, right?"
A little duct tape all around the edges.
Yes, I can see how dirty it is. Its just the reality of life though - real people make messes - especially in the kitchen.
And did you notice the new handles? Here is a closer look.
Two little curved handles that Roger found in his workbox.
So there you have it. It isn't pretty - by a long shot. But it does work.
The cost of fixing the stove is over $200. Not worth it given the age of the stove. It's just over 12 years and I've read that the life expectancy is between 13 and 17 years. As my sister pointed out too, my stove gets a LOT of use. Possibly more than is "average". Since we are probably on the end of life expectancy, we will be looking to get a new stove at some point in the future. Thankfully for now, this one does work.
Just thought the pictures might give someone a chuckle.
1000 Goodbyes
1 week ago