We started with learning some about the herbs used for medicines during that time period. It was wonderful to see examples of various things (that they could touch) and hear how they were used (as a tincture, powder, etc).
The children drew a "sickness" from a paper bag and then would learn what the treatment for that would have been during colonial times. Check out this doctor's kit!
Some of the remedies worked well and others not as much. There is always more to learn though and in the future people will probably be talking about how we treated diseases during this time period. We learned about the life expectancy from the 1700s and it was sobering. The children were asked to consider their own lives and if it might have been different had they lived then. One of the children in that room would not have been there. Joshua. That brings tears just to write it. Juvenile Diabetes is a horrible disease. It is not something he will outgrow and there is currently no cure. There is risk for so many things too. I honestly try not to think on it. I'm thankful, so very thankful for the advances that have been made. I'm thankful for the continual work of the JDRF in working towards finding a cure. Things are much better, yes - but we'd still love to find a cure. Insulin is not a cure - it's a band-aid.
OK, back to co-op. We had a delightful snack - egg salad sandwiches, jam and crackers and molasses bread. Yummy!!! The children then had a mini "fair" with exhibits of things that they had made. What a fun variety from dolls to pies, from drawings to pottery, from fudge to legos and more!
Each child was given the opportunity to share what he or she had made. It was fun listening to each one of them.
The final piece of the morning was learning more of the timeline of the American Revolution. The children had some quizzes in which they tried to figure out if someone was a Patriot or a Tory. Next they did an interactive timeline. (Look at my cute boys in the first photo!)
As always, this is a delightful way to learn. We do things I wouldn't have done on our own. I love the giftings and knowledge and creativity that each mom brings to the co-op. Such a fun time! I'm looking forward to the next one!