I'll post what we are doing tonight later as I have kids that read my blog and I want it to be a surprise!
Here are a few photos of some of our December activities. We picked out a tree locally this year. It came from just down the road from my parents house in the mountains. We didn't get a tree up there because we didn't have a way to fasten it to our new/large van.
Yeah, this is North Carolina - cool sleigh and no snow! (At least not where we live!) LOL
It was fun decorating. I had considered doing it while Eliana was asleep, but am so glad that I didn't. She LOVED putting ornaments on the tree. She literally raced back to get a new one so she could hang it up. Can you tell that she is going quickly?
Eliana was helped by Rebecca in placing some of the ornaments.
Each of the children received new ornaments this year. Something that reflected something significant or special about them or their lives.
*Christopher got one with a recliner and a large screen tv with a football game on it reflecting both his love of watching sports and his championship year playing football.
*Rebecca's had Dorothy from Wizard of Oz as she played this role wonderfully in a play this summer.
*Joshua's ornament is superman as I thought it reflected his bravery and courage in facing Juvenile Diabetes.
*Isaiah's is a snowman cooking as he has developed an enjoyment of cooking and experimenting in the kitchen.
*Daniel's ornament is a candy covered snowman reflecting his sweet spirit and love of candy.
*Eliana's is two bears snuggling up reading as she enjoys both - though not always for long.
We had a few times of excitment. Once while we were out for the evening at a diabetes clinic and the older kids were home with the three youngest, they went out to get a package. While the door was open - a bird flew in!!! Christopher managed to get him back outside thankfully!
We also had a very brief snow. Not enough to do much of anything with, but the kids liked being out in it while it fell. Rebecca and I drove through more snow than we had here when we went to a friend's house for a cookie swap in the northern section of town. Amazing the difference and we live in the same city!
Rebecca added fun to our days in several ways. (Have I mentioned what a great big sister she is?!!!) She put lights up in the bedrooms.
And made cookies several times. She even included the little ones in cooking if they wanted to help. One day she baked with Eliana and one of her friends! She is so sweet to include them!
I just thought this was a cute photo and wanted to share it. It's Eliana and Christopher doing a "fist bump". He is so good with her and has fun hanging with her.
Off to get busy now and get things ready for the rest of the day. I'm hoping that the New Year brings happiness, health and many blessings to us all!
Happy New Year!