I wanted to share some of our fun back to school traditions, though I realize that like many of posts of late, this one is not so timely. LOL Life is just in a very busy season.
We enjoyed going to Wal-Mart for back to school supplies. Everyone was able to pick out some thing that they wanted or needed.

Or just something fun.
Can you see Eliana's back to school necessity? Chips!
Added to these things were some books and supplies I had purchased at our homeschool conference, as well as other places. I put out all of our new things on our school table.
They were excited to see these new things. Well, most of them.
Back to school breakfast. This has been a long standing tradition, but it is made more challenging with our need for gluten free foods. We ate at home this year with some favorites - biscuits and sausage gravy and orange juice. Note that the girls got the special plates this year - one for her first year of official schooling and one for her last (*sniff, sniff*).
Then it was time to go outside for some pictures. One of each child and their grade. Aren't these cute signs? Its a download that I got here. This year Daniel's schooling includes Five in a Row Volume 4, MathUSee, Handwriting Without Tears, Apologia Worldview and various readers.
My beautiful senior! Rebecca's studies include World History and World Literature (Notgrass), PreCalculas (MathUSee) and possibly a 2nd math course, Physics (Apologia), French (Rosetta Stone), Worldview (Summit Ministries).
Isaiah will be doing a unit study on the World Wars (I'm putting this together with a variety of resources), MathUSee, Life of Fred, Apologia worldview and All About Spelling.
Joshua is also doing the unit study on World Wars, Rainbow Science, PreAlgebra, Spelling, and Worldview.
Hmmm ... this way for the photos sweetie.
Not the photo I was hoping for, but an honest reflection of her feelings.
Here's my sweet girl smiling. Eliana will be doing a variety of things including Before Five in a Row, reader from Down Syndrome Foundation of Orange County, Handwriting without Tears and many things that I've put together from different places.
My students for this year.
And one of all of the siblings together. I love these people so very much!!!
Helping (or not) to get Christopher packed up to move back to State. Testing out his carpet options.
Just a cute picture. The guys help load things up and then then all took Christopher to get him moved in. The girls went for a visit a little bit later in the month.
Our first field trip of the year has been to Pullen Park for many years. Its a sweet tradition. And such an amazingly fun park!
Its a great place to hang out with friends! These girls have been friends most of their lives!
Fun playground equipment.
And rides! So many fun rides! The train goes around the park.
Eliana's friend George goes many places with her (as you can probably tell).
We gather for a picnic lunch.
Rebecca loves holding babies! :-)
Girl on the run!
These two have a sweet relationship. Eliana often comments "I like Isaiah".
Joshua having fun on the ripstick around the empty paths.
Late in August, Roger and the boys made a trip to NE. (They drove back in a car that would not hold all of us which is one of the reasons that it was just the 4 of them.) They went back to visit with and help his family. They had a fabulous trip and we all look forward to being able to go out there again soon.
While the guys were gone, the girls had fun too. Both girls got haircuts. This is a picture of how long Eliana's hair was. She had about 8-9 inches cut off!
I think her new style is really cute and I also think it makes her look older. What do you think?
Rebecca has a beautiful new haircut too!
We also visited Christopher one day. We spent some time hanging out and he also gave us a tour of NC State.
The girls also went to Charlotte to visit my family. One night we went to a Mexican place to eat and it was delicious.
And to our delight, had a full gluten free menu!
Time with friends is always a treat.
Boys making a room for the caterpillars they have found.Guys enjoying a garage sale find. (Roger is great at finding things at these!)