I'm not sure I'll make it far into this post. It's an emotional topic for me.
One month. That's it. Just one month. A month can seem like a long period of time when you are waiting. Or maybe when you are really young. But really, it's not very long.
30 days.
When I look back over the last 18 years, I delight in so many memories. I'm so very thankful for this time.
Because in just one month ...
I'll have a graduate.
I'm thankful for God placing the desire to homeschool in our hearts. This has been an incredible blessing for our family. I have loved the years of learning together and know that we'll still be able to share and learn from each other - just in new and different ways.
For now, I'm trying to relax even though I feel like there is still a lot left to be done in a month. I want to enjoy this time. Just like I have wanted to enjoy the time that preceded it. Time is fleeting ... and precious.
So for just one more month, I'll be homeschooling my oldest. And that's all I can write now.
I love you Christopher!
1000 Goodbyes
1 week ago