Well, I seem to be on a roll of publishing posts at the beginning of the week and then falling down the rest of the week. This week, look for a new post each day. :-) (Monday through Friday)
This was a really fun field trip. One that I've been looking forward to for awhile since it was a new place for our group to visit.
It was a cool and gorgeous day! We gathered around for an intro to our morning by the owner Jackson.
We headed inside for the first part of our morning. The owner, Jackson, was animated and engaged as he talked with the students about the history of transportation, various types of horses and also the history of this site.
There were so many interesting things to look at in this room.
Jackson talked about many of them including some of the equipment that had been used by his grandfather.
Lots of learn about and he was encouraging and impressed when the students knew the answers to his questions too. His style and demeanor was perfect for leading this type of activity.
An up close look at a horseshoe.
Then outside to look at a horse while learning more about the equipment used to ride a horse.
Most of the group was attentive.
There are always a few little cuties that have a harder time staying still.
When we finished, we spread out for a picnic lunch and took turns going for a wagon ride.
The differences between girls and boys never cease to make me smile.
The wagon ride was fun!
Eliana loved it and went a second time when there was room on the last wagon. (As did a couple more of mine.)
Beautiful day spent learning with friends. One of my favorite ways to spend a day!
Thankful for this hands-on style of learning and also for friends who join us in the fun.
1000 Goodbyes
1 week ago